giovedì 11 ottobre 2007

girl cultures, girl bodies

The body has become the primary canvas on which girls express their identities, insecurities, ambitions, and struggles. I have documented this phenomenon and at the same time explored how this canvas is marked by the values and semiotics of the surrounding culture.

sabato 22 settembre 2007

immagini narrative

Abstract (E): Following the minimal conditions of narrative, as defined by Tzvetan Todorov, that is, the respect of principles of succession and transformation, it seems that only a whole of photographs would be able to convey a narrative. Made of a succession of pictures, the photographic sequence organizes them into a strict chronology, that helps the reader filling the blank spaces between the images. Meeting the condition of succession, the photographic sequence also fulfills the condition of transformation that necessarily occurs from an image to the other. This paper offers to briefly retrace the uses of this narrative mode by photographers working as authors. Created by Eadweard Muybridge in the 1880s, the photographic sequence was first devoted to scientific observation. Made popular by the picture press between the two World Wars, it will again be exploited at narrative aims in the 1960s. The sequence will then appear as an extreme case of photographic representation, an opposite to the unique image, rather evoking cinema by its chronological structure.


venerdì 21 settembre 2007

Credo nell'immaginazione. Quel che non posso vedere è infinitamente più importante di quello che posso vedere.

Duane Michals

martedì 11 settembre 2007


postcard from venice - padiglione italia - giardini

domenica 10 giugno 2007

domenica 4 febbraio 2007

carlos garaicoa

Parlo del processo della creazione più che dell'opera d'arte come oggetto finale.
Come è possibile abbandonare questa ossessione del costruire e definire l'opera d'arte ed essere più concentrati nel processo creativo del lavoro, a un livello molto concettuale, e restare aperti... [more]

domenica 28 gennaio 2007

franco pinna

taranta e lucania e poi e poi e poi